I remember seeing a lot of familier faces at mass. You hear our words but you forget, push your fingers through the surface to the wet. We wait in the stains, we build you till nothing remains, in the name of the sound of the Name. Repeat the word, repeat the word, repeate the word. Egg cracks and the truth will emerge. A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, you are home, you remind us, happy, hurt. I remember that Mr. Toliver was there and I think I saw Ms. Sherman as well. I didn't see Mr. Mahony, but I wasn't directly looking for him and he could have been in the far right pews where he normally is. Father was, of course, recognized, as I see him at school almost every day (I do not mean my paternal parent by that (though of course I knew both (I am saying this just to take of wordspace))).